Tuesday 11 August 2015

Year 2 Zoo Trip

                            Year 2  Zoo Trip 

We went to the zoo but first we went on the bus.  We saw long necked giraffes and we saw Anjalee the elephant and her friend Burma. We wanted to run really fast to her because we had never seen her before.  We had morning tea and next we saw the seals and one was swimming in the water. There was 4 more seals. Three were sunbathing and one of them was in the water. Then we saw the meerkats.  We went in the tunnel. I hit my head because I was running so fast. Next we saw the spider monkeys. They were hanging from their tails.  There  were heaps of spider monkeys. They were cool. I like the zoo.  Emacyn

I went to the zoo.  First we went to a seat on the bus.  I saw the giraffe and the elephant and the lion. The lion had claws. The lion was sleeping on the grass.  I saw a zebra and the zebra had a friend too, it was a duckling.  The elephant was happy in the zoo. Sanaa

 At school we went to the zoo. It was awesome. I loved the zoo. First I saw the giraffes. Then we saw the zebra. We had a map. We saw the big rhinoceros and the pink flamingos. Then we saw the lazy sleepy lion. After that we saw the long trunked elephants then the snappy alligators. Ileana

On Thursday we went to the zoo. First I saw an ostrich with the black stripy zebras. Next I saw the sleepy lions. After that I saw the diving seals.  Zac

One day our whole class went to the zoo trip. We went with Room 12, 10 and 4. We all went in the bus.  The first animal was the tall giraffe. Next was the stripy zebra.  After that we saw the big rhinoceros. Then we saw the elephants with their big trunks. Next we saw female lions. After that we drank water. Then we went with John to see the furry orange orangutan.  Amal

1 comment:

  1. Hi room 11. What fun going to the zoo. I also like going to the zoo with my family. from Naeem


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