Tuesday 17 August 2021

Nora's Information Report




As you all probably know, Coronavirus is a highly contagious disease. The type of Coronavirus that has been around at the moment, (Covid-19) was discovered in 2019. No one knows where it came from, but there are many different theories. 

                                Why is it called Covid-19?

The virus is called Covid-19 because ‘CO’ stands for corona, ‘VI’ stands for virus and ‘D’ for disease. As for the ‘corona’ part, ‘Corona’ means crown, and the virus has lots of spiky crowns all over it!↓↓(see!) 

Why is it so contagious?

Covid-19 mostly spreads through respiratory droplets that are released when you sneeze, breath, talk, cough or sneeze. These droplets can be inhaled or land in your nose or your mouth. But Covid-19 particles that are way smaller than these droplets can drift in the air for minutes to hours.

                         How people catch Covid-19

Covid-19 is a very contagious disease, which means you can catch it many ways. The most common way is when an infected person coughs or sneezes on people who are not infected.

                          How to NOT catch Covid-19

Even though Covid-19 is a catchy disease, there are ways to fight it. Here are some ways: stay two metres away from strangers in levels 2, 3 or 4. Cough or sneeze into your elbow. Wash or sanitize your hands daily and wear masks.


If we go into lockdown again, (that's a big ‘if’) make sure to do these things. The main type of COVID-19 at the moment is the ‘Delta’ version. So far, there have not been many cases. Let's hope it doesn't increase in the future! 



  1. Well done Nora, your report is very informative and I was interested to read about why the virus is named as it is. Stay safe and I hope you are enjoying your home learning this week.

  2. Congratulation Nora on writing a very informative report. I to learnt from you today what the particular letters of Covid mean, thank you!

    1. Nora I love it and you also taught me some new things
      love Freya

  3. Really Cool Nora! I like how you wrote an information report :) Lusia

  4. Oh goodness, it isn't a 'big if' after all! Here we all are back in lockdown. Great work on your report Nora. Take care, Sheryl

  5. wow thats a lot and coivd is a very bad virus)omar


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